Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Toddler Titles

8# Review a Childrens book.

You are writing for a monthly parenting magazine targeting parents of new born to toddlers. 150 - 250 words

Your role this week is to review a book specifically for a toddler (16 – 23 months old)

Here are some features to look for when choosing toddler -friendly books and points your review may focus on:

Sturdy books. Babies and toddlers don't just look at books – they want to explore every part of them, including chewing them, bending them and throwing them.

Books with pictures. Toddlers enjoy repetition and brightly coloured pages to catch their attention.Large, simple drawings or photographs of familiar objects are best – especially if they are of children their age.

Simple themes. Picture books and stories with few words are good at first. Rhythm and rhyme are especially appealing. Books that toddlers can interact with – either answering in noises or a simple one word answer.

Test Ride it - If you don’t have a toddler to read to – I am sure a neighbour or family member would adore your volunteering for reading time this week.

You might like to revisit How to write a review for tips.

1 comment:

Neshamah said...

thanks for the tips! more people should do this...