Monday, September 29, 2008

A Kids Movie

#15 Review a Kids Movie

Its school holidays here is Australia - the second week has raised its head and I know many parents are seeking entertainment for the kids.

Even if you don't have children - go and see a kids movie - there are a few of them out there at the moment that are lots of fun and have some pretty deep messages. As always, most kids movies have in built adult humour - so go and borrow some kids - and give mum a well deserved break - get out - get some pop corn and see a flick.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Camping Out

#14 Camping Grounds

Your task this week is to review a Camping spot - be it a National Park or your favourite spot in the bush, beach or hills - your choice. 150 - 300 words for inclusion on a Camping Forum and website which swaps good ideas, tips and advice on outdoor pursuits (camping,hiking, fishing, hunting etc.)

Go on - get out into the wilderness yourself and explore the wonders of sleeping under the stars, beating off the ants and burnt sausages.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Clean up!

#13 A Cleaning Product

Your task this week is to review a cleaning product - be it a natural or a chemical one - your choice. 150 - 300 words for inclusion on a Mothers Forum and website which swaps good ideas, tips and advice on housekeeping and family life.

Obviously you need to include what kinds of mess it can and can't handle, things like its smell or ease of use, cost and availability.

There are a number of these - but one with a good sense of humour and a good variety of reviewed subjects is

If you'd like the opportunity to publish your reviews on household products services many offer discount vouchers or another two to look at to gain ideas and inspiration writing a review for an internet audience are

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The humble writing implement

#12 Pens

Choose a type of pen you may not have used before or are unfamiliar with – and take it for a test drive. There are all types of fountain pens, ballpoints, gels and roller balls to choose from – so go into one of those delightful shops hidden away in an arcade and look at the wide array available.

Your task is to provide helpful information to pen buyers within a monthly office supplies type magazine – which strangely enough – has a pen column in it!!. Be specific and tell your audience why you feel a pen deserves the ratings you have given it, and what makes the pen different from others you have used. The more specific and helpful the review, the more likely it will assist others in choosing the right pen for their needs.

If you enjoyed this experience check out It features evaluations, reviews and comments on a variety of pens and other writing instruments written by the community of members. From expensive collector items to standard office supply mechanical pencils. Users can earn points toward prizes by contributing content (reviews and comments) to the site. As users accumulate points, members have the opportunity to win prizes such as pens and writing accessories.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Get Active

11# Try a New Sport

Everywhere you look, government and health organisations are encouraging people to get out and be active. Its heartening to see groups targeting younger people and the programs in place in most schools are supporting both healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

Your task this week is to write a short review on a new activity or sport - something that you have never played or been involved with before. Imagine that this review will be included in a weekend pull out magazine within a major city newspaper. Inlcude a photo if relevant - 150 - 300 words.