There will be a Four Week Break from prompts for Review This! for Christmas and celebrations of the new year. Its been a busy time with NaNoWriMo finishing and holiday preparations starting.
New Prompts will appear in the Second week of January.
What better way in practicing your travel writing skills than to review something close to home? Many people fail to explore their own backyards - until perhaps overseas or interstate guests come to visit. You may be surprised at the variety of interesting activities on offer within either your city or within an hours drive of where you live.
Your task this week is to plan a daytrip either for yourself – or to include friends or family – and go and enjoy yourself! Pitch your review for Weekend newspaper lifestyle magazine insert. 300 – 600 words which can be accompanied by photos.
When writing your review, remember to include all details regarding ticketing prices and availability, office hours or additional tours which can be added. Suggest age groups who would gain the most enjoyment and any interesting information you may find out about the history or the setup of where you are going. Remember to give basic travel times or public transport information from your city centre.
Write a review (250 – 500 words) on a second–hand car ( yours if you wish.) Assume that this will be included in a motoring magazine, or for the AAs publication ( or similar). Good resources to start you off is by watching Car Enthusiast television shows such as the UKs Top Gear, for the language utilised. Research the resale value and general availability of the model to include in your article and add a photo if you wish.
Assume that this is a new addition to the market about to be launched nationwide this week. You are writing a small article (100 – 250 words) for inclusion in a daily newspaper available in major cities.
It is up to you to decide the demographic and audience your chocolate bar would appeal to and your review will reflect this. Include a photo if you wish.
The structure of a review is generally the same, no matter what the subject area or audience. Usually you will introduce the subject within a few sentences and explain the topic or area of interest. A summary then follows briefly outlining or reporting on your overall opinion. The next few paragraphs forms the ‘Critique’ which examines detail and should balance the evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses and notable features of the event or product you are reviewing. Most reviews mix facts in with basic opinions – such as running length of the move or a street address. Be detailed with your opinions, giving reasons and explanations for your feedback.
Many critics are well known for their wit and depending on the publication, it may be appropriate to use humour. It may also be appropriate in some areas of interest to develop a rating system – from a simple thumbs up and thumbs down to a stars or numbers.
Conclude restating your opinion and present your recommendations with details for your reader to access more information.
Before you review something, you must have your audience and the medium (newspaper,magazine etc) in which you will be reaching them in mind. Make notes on what you already know about the subject or product and jot down questions you believe people may ask if they wished to know more about it. Be curious and ask yourself lots of questions about the subject area before proceeding to the material, event or product.
It may be appropriate in some instances to offer a recommendation as it will assist the readers to make up decisions regarding the product or event. In most cases, you are being paid to be opinionated – so draw a conclusion and stand by this. A surprising amount of scathing critics have a loyal following, having built their reputation on honesty, wit and well structured analysis. Your goal is to fairly inform your audience of your experiences, be it positive or negative. Be fair, be honest and give your audience some direction.